Brand Name Change
John's 4x4 and Rev Outfitters - the best of both worlds!
We’ve grown! Not only have we expanded our solutions and services with overlanding gear and modifications, we added a second location in northern Colorado. With these changes, we decided it was time to update our brand name. Here are the details you might want to know:
Brand Change Summary

New Solutions!
Overlanding is a growing term for exploring territory not normally accessible by a standard vehicle. It also requires more accessories, gear, and modifications than a normal off road and trail vehicle.
We offer rack systems, tents, kitchen gear, lighting, solar, battery solutions, communications gear, and much more.
Coupled with our consultation process that ensures the right platform, right mods and gear, and best path to achieve the ultimate results that enable you to find that well deserved escape with a properly modified vehicle.
Our new home page
What's in a name?
Forget about the actual work of upgrading or repairing a vehicle. At the end of the day, we help our customers escape from their day-to-day responsibilities with a vehicle that enables them to go places that helps regenerate the soul and spend time with friends & family. It's our tribal mission.
We wanted a brand and name that aligned to this mission. We also wanted to retain our brand image including our Toyota TRD colors and Jeep Trail Rated badge look. Not only do we really like our icon, but we hope this creates the alignment with you.
Oh! And by the way, no one named John has owned this business or worked here in over 15 years.
Our new home pageDon't worry!
There has been no ownership changes! We are simply beginning our journey for a brand name change. We are starting with our new website. Our new website is faster, cleaner, and better! The website will maintain a dual branding strategy until we formally change our name every where else. We expect this will take the remainder of 2024.
In the meantime, if you have questions about our brand name change, please reach out to us. We will be more than happy to answer any questions or accept any feedback.
If you need help with your vehicle, simply schedule a consult or appointment.